L'enore Arhien
don't waste your worry on me, i come and go as i please, always find what i need: i got my skeleton key.

age - mid twenties.
gender - cisgender female. [she/her]
ethnicity - mixed race; seeker miqo'te + xaela au ra.
orientation - bisexual biromantic.
relationship status - single; never married.
date of birth - 23rd Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon.
astrological sign - scorpio.hair/fur - black and fluffy! tail fur is longer and fluffier than the average miqo'te, likely because of xaela genes.
eyes - golden, with thin and dim gold limbal rings.
height - 5'2".
physicality - l'enore can flip her presence on and off like a switch. on, and she has a casual sly, smirking confidence, holding her own in the social war that takes place in the taverns and streets that she frequents. off, and she can blend in anywhere she pleases, letting eyes and attention glide right off her as she goes about her business unbothered.languages - fluent in eorzean, xaelic, & hingan; well-versed in rogues' cant. can speak doman conversationally, but not that great at reading it.
voice - diamante
As sly and sneaky as the smattering of scales on her skin would have her seem, L'enore is a trickster and a woman of mystery through and through. constantly hiding herself behind a mask of playful sass and quick wit, she can come off by turns a street-savvy, friendly type with a penchant for sarcasm; or a total frigid bitch whose insults cut as deeply as her daggers. this makes getting close to her an act of incredible patience and determination- likely just how she wants it. after all, letting people in would mean having to give up her secrets, and a thief knows full well how tightly she must cling to whatever she considers 'hers'.

♠ CAT BURGLAR! An agile and skilled thief, L'enore makes her living by profiting off the greed of others. A rare weapon? A priceless artifact? Cold hard gil? She'll snag it in style and deliver it right to your doorstep... provided that you can pay her fees, of course. but rest assured that you're getting what you pay for; She's so good at her job that she's earned the title Skeleton Key in certain underground circles.♠ family matters! l'enore's parents are both infamous in their own right: her father is arhien kha, a high ranking mob boss of the hingan yakuza, well known for his mercurial nature and skill with a katana. her mother, l'bhella jhasi, is an ex-Sharlayan scholar, exiled from the island for 'numerous experiments and studies of a deeply dubious and upsetting nature'. it's not a stretch to see where l'enore gets her sparkling sense of morality from, but also easy to see that she has a LOT of ancestral weight on her shoulders.♠ baka mitai! speaking of the yakuza... this thief is not free from ties to the hingan criminal network, thanks in no small part to her father's influence. she has faded in and out of the network's reach over the years, before recently choosing to strike out on her own and make her own path through eorzea. she hasn't cut ties by any means, so she could likely be pulled back in given the right circumstances.♠ loyal blade! l'enore can usually be found accompanied by a massive orange butterfly, which isn't so unusual. the interesting part is the various forms it can take- anything from a pair of daggers to a red mage's épée. manifesting large quantities of fire and light aether, this strange shapeshifting weapon is what makes l'enore more than just your average thief... and such a unique armament could pique the interest of those who enjoy such enigmas.

hello! i'm alice! [she/they]
i'm 28 years old, live in the PST time zone, and at any particular time i am probably gposing.i currently work afternoon into early evening but am free most evenings.i'm always down to meet new folks, get involved in fun plots, or just hang out for casual scenes.
feel free to send me a tell if you see me around.i encourage the use of mare so that l'enore can seen as 'intended', but it's not required.